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  • Garcia Hong Law APC


    10680 Treena Street,
    Suite 160,
    San Diego, California 92131

June 14, 2023. San Diego, California - Congratulations to Jonah Toleno for her election to the San Diego Federal Bar Foundation's Board of Directors! The group's mission is to enrich the federal legal community by promoting community service and philanthropy, contributing to the development of the next generation of federal practitioners through scholarship and other assistance, supporting causes in the federal legal community that advance justice for all, and help establish the federal legal community's legacy of professionalism, inclusiveness, and civility.  

Jonah is very active in San Diego's legal community and with the federal courts. She has litigated complex securities and business issues in the federal courts.

To learn more about Jonah, visit

#garciahonglaw #sandiegofederalbar #boardmember #communityservice #giveback #generalcounsel #businesslawyer #securitieslawyer #sandiegolawyer #womanowned #minorityowned #diversity